Sunday, August 12, 2018

Living with Migraines

I hate migraines. I have had them since I was in about 6th grade. I remember laying in bed sometimes for days at a time at that age trying to get relief and stay in the dark. The medicine has definitely improved over the last 20 years but the migraines still suck. Now I can usually control them pretty well with prescription medication (I currently take Maxalt-I have tried other things over the years, but this seems to work well for me most of the time), but sometimes they still get to the point where I can't move and throw up if I do. Every now and then they get so bad I end up at Instacare to get shots for pain and nausea. This doesn't happen often and I haven't had to go at all in probably 4 years, but a few weeks ago I found myself there. :( Hopefully I won't be seeing this place again for a long time.

Side Note-my migraines have been diagnosed as menstrual migraines. They come every month along with my menstrual cycle. They are not brought on at all by things like stress or something I have eaten, so I guess the only good thing about this type of migraine is that I can somewhat schedule and plan for them. The only thing is that I never now how bad they will be from month to month-that varies. 

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