Monday, October 30, 2017


Chloe has been playing a lot of softball lately. Landon has pretty much taken over coaching her team so they have been busy. They played in a tournament the first part of October. It was their second tournament as a team and there was definitely improvement from the first time. They even won one of their games this time, the first tournament they lost all of them. Chloe pitched for one of the games and did a really great job. She has really improved in that area and continues to get more accurate and faster. (she has been working with a pitching coach) The other games she caught and played third. 
I didn't get very many pictures because I was stuck taking score.

They are just getting ready to start their season in a Fall League, so that means games every Monday for us and busy, busy, busy with softball practices and basketball for the next 8 weeks or so. 

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