Wednesday, July 29, 2015


A few weeks ago Tanner went on Trek with the youth group from our state. For those of you who aren't LDS-Trek is a reenactment of the pioneers coming to Utah. The youth dress up in clothing from that era. They then hike/walk a long a trail while pulling handcarts. They eat all of their meals on the trail and camp at nights. The youth are divided into families and each family has two parents (adults called as volunteers for the job) and about 5-6 youth. It lasts for 3 days and 2 nights. I'm not sure the whole thing is fun-but there are fun parts to it. Also it is meant to teach the youth the sacrifices the pioneers made-but there are lots of other life lessons that can be learned along the way.
When Tanner got home he didn't have a lot to say about the whole thing-but the good news is we didn't hear things like "I hated it, it was dumb, I am never going again"-which coming from a teenagers parent if you don't hear those things then it is very good. 
A friend of ours went along as one of the cooks so she had managed to catch a few action shots of Tanner.

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