Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Snapshots of Summer Part #3

I bought the girls some white canvas shoes and let them go to town with the sharpies. The end result turned out pretty cool.
 Silly Boy
 You got to do what you go to do to keep cool-I guess this is the only way to ride your bike in the summer.
Summer Haircuts-Bryce looks like he is in pain and I didn't capture one of Tanner
 Damaged Hair-Chloe's hair has taken a hard hit this summer. We have bought special products and gotten treatments done to no avail. Hopefully when swim season is over we can get it back to normal. (since she won't be in the water 2-3 times a day)
 Chloe didn't want me taking her picture so she stole my phone and took one of me-I thought I'd include it for fun even though I hate it-haha!
 Fresh Salsa we live on this stuff and luckily we can get most of the ingredients right from our garden. I make a batch at least once a week-YUM!
 More strawberry jam-the strawberries went on sale again and I couldn't turn them down. This time I had the girls help me to learn how. They had fun-except for when it was time to stir until it boiled Chloe was so bored and inpatient. I guess she takes after he Mom I don't have a lot of patience for things like that either-hence the reason I don't make things like homemade candy-haha.

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