Saturday, November 1, 2014

Shopping Cart Sleeper

Last week was kind of a crazy-busy week (like every other week it seems), anyways it had been almost a week since I had been to the grocery store-we needed food!!! It was Friday night, usually I would leave Bryce with Landon or the kids, but Landon was busy with some side remodeling work for my sister and the kids were off on their own adventures, so I just took him with me. Of course he was over tired so by the time we got to the grocery store he was sound asleep. I felt like just going home-haha, but I knew now was my only chance to grab a few necessities. So...I laid him in the cart using my purse as a pillow. He slept the entire shopping trip as I carefully stacked the groceries around him. When I checked out the lady was like-um do you just want me to put these bags around him? I was like yep and give me what you can't and I'll carry the rest. Shopping trip and nap-successful! 

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