Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trouble at School

Well yesterday something happened that I never thought would happen with Tanner. I received an email from his teacher with a bad report. I was somewhat relieved that the same note went out to three other parents as well. Apparently Tanner and some of the kids at his table were disrespectful to their teacher during class by talking while she was presenting even when she had repeatedly asked them not to, at one point she was giving an important message and they continued with their chatter. She asked them each to stay in from recess, and assigned them a paragraph to write on disrespect, as well as sending each parent an email. She was nice enough not to send them to the principal.
When Tanner got home I told him that I was disappointed in his actions. I also required that he write his teacher a personal apology before he was allowed any electronics (t.v., computer, phone, wii) or any type of baseball including at home practice with his Dad. I hope the message got through. I realize that Tanner is going through a time in his life where he is trying to figure out who he is and how he fits in, but at the same time I still think it's important that he learns respect for those around him, hopefully this won't ever happen again.

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