Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tanner pitched his first game of baseball last night. He did an awesome job! He even had 5 strikeouts. Another time he fielded the ball and threw it to first for an out. He pitched the first three innings. Know he won't be able to pitch until next week, because rules say with the number of pitches he threw he can't ptich again for 4 days. In his league they have the kids pitch and then they have the machine set up and running behind them. IF they get four balls then they pitch the remaing number of strikes from the machine. I can proudly say that while Tanner was pitching they didn't use the machine once! They came close one time, but didn't end up using it. Not so for the other pitchers from both the other team and our own.
His whole team played really well last night, if you don't count the first inning. They had two innings where the fielded so well. Three up three down both times. In the last inning one of the kids on Tanner's team hit an awesome run. They ended up winning 9-7. They also won last Thursday 17-16. Must be the great coach they have. wink wink


Abby and Brenda said...

That's awesome - great job Tanner! And your photos are great, Tia! I especially love the last one where his face is framed by the fence.

Taryn said...

I was trying to figure out what was different about Tanner. At first I thought he got new glasses, but I think it's that he got a haircut. That's awesome that he's doing so good pitching.

mandy85 said...

Great Job Tanner