Thursday, March 4, 2010

Report Cards and Baseball Tryouts

Yesterday was a busy day. We had the kid's parent teacher conference and Tanner had baseball tryouts.
The kids both got really good reports at school. Chloe's teacher said she is right where she should be and very good in class, she can now count and write to 100, she is starting to read pretty well independently and has warmed up enough that she is starting to talk a little during class-should I be worried?
Tanner got all A's except for a B+ in Math. The one thing he kind of struggles in is math because he has a hard time showing his work and also turning in his assingments. Overall though is doing very good in school. I am going to brag for just a minute here about his reading. Okay so here is the graph a little blury but mainly just focus on the dots.
The dot on the bottom is GWA 4th Grades score on an average which is already 1 -2 grade levels above that of the regular school the top dot is Tanner he is off the charts not even in the shaded area-his teacher said he is about at a 9th or 10th grade reading level-this makes me just a little bit proud. I mean what can I expect though he read the Hunger Games in 2 days!

Tanner also had baseball tryouts yesterday. They let the nine year old that want to try out to be on the Minor League Team which is the 10-11 year olds. They have to catch two pop flys and throw to shortstop, stop to grounders and throw to first, and then hit two pitches and run to first. Tanner dropped one pop fly but aced the rest of his fielding. He didn't hit either pitch though which is unlike him (the homerun king last year). Will see what happens, we really don't care if he goes up or stays with his age group both have their good and bad points. It was mainly more for the experience anyways and he did have fun so that's good.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

I don't even think I read at that level great job kids.