Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Day Sad Day

Today has definately been one of those days. Chloe started preschool and I was happy because she was and because she is getting so grown up it's been fun to watch.
Then Tanner hits me with the news that he doesn't want to do Karate anymore and is in fact refusing to go. So we had to go talk to his instructor Mr. Reis. You have to understand we have been doing this since Tanner was 4 and still in Preschool he is now 8 and in 3rd Grade. It has been a big part of our lifes. Mr. Reis talked to Tanner and Tanner was still adiment on quitting, so we pulled him out. I don't know if he is just burnt out and needs a break or what. It was hard though I was crying by the time we left, what a baby, Tanner seemed to take it fine. Maybe it will be good for Tanner maybe he can try some new things for awhile basketball, gymnastics, and he said something about Chess. I do hope though at some point he decides to go back and at least get his black belt, he was so close, but I guess it's up to him. I do have hope though Mr. Reis told us he quit for 2 years when he was a brown belt, and he is now a 5X World Champion, so who knows what could happen with Tanner in the future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe it's good he is out so he can't kick your butt since he is probably bigger than you by now!!