Sunday, March 8, 2020


There is no hiding the fact that I love Christmas. I love the magic and the feeling that surrounds it. I love giving gifts and spending time with family. On Christmas Eve I am always giddy with excitement and typically don't get much sleep. This year was no different.

The kids woke up around 5. The rule is they have to wait to go downstairs. We aren't those parents that make them wait long. Just a few minutes. Of course we had to take a picture of them on the stairs (tradition you know) Look how excited Bryce was he could hardly wait to see if Santa came. 

Bryce could hardly believe the stack of presents he saw under the tree. He took a moment just to take it all in. 
Chloe found a new bow by her stocking she was pretty stoked about it.
What would Christmas be without some peeps.
We are going to Disneyland in January and Bryce was thrilled to find a Disney gift card in his stocking. Many of his gifts were things for the trip.
This go cart was not something Bryce asked Santa for, but it was a surprise and it ended up being one of his favorite gifts. He also got a Nintendo Switch.

Tanner got a Keyboard he wants to learn to play.

 One of my favorite things about Christmas morning is that we each buy and give one gift for the other members of our family. They are usually pretty thoughtful gifts and some of our favorites to receive. It's fun to see what the kids come up with for each other and us. Bryce bought Tanner a Dwight Shrute bobble head and Chloe and "Office' Calendar. Chloe took extra care in wrapping my present. Lots of layers, tape, and even some yarn to get into it. HA!

Everyone got spoiled and got just what they hoped for. All the kids got games in their stockings so we will have plenty of new games to play for family time and on camping trips. 
 We had a wonderful morning. The best part is not the presents we got but the memories we created. Now Bryce can play with his toys and we can try and catch a nap before everyone comes over for dinner.
Merry Christmas!!

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