Friday, January 25, 2019

Showing Up to School with No Shoes

This is the second time this school year we have shown up to school and realized Bryce has no shoes on. Seriously?! I don't even know how this happens--- oh wait I do. Mornings are crazy. Especially lately they have been hard. It's hard to get up and get everyone where they need to be on time. It's even harder to get up when we had been staying up late at least twice a week for basketball games, and then factor in that I have to drive Chloe clear in to town to school, plus makes sure she has everything she needs, and is on time and then get Bryce and I to school/work on time with everything we need, homework, lunches, water bottles, etc. It can be rough, so it's not surprising that one could forget their shoes. And not to mention that in the last week Bryce has gotten two tardies-UGH! Hopefully we can survive the next few weeks of basketball season, but then it's not likely to improve as softball season starts up!

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