Friday, January 25, 2019

New Year New Goals

I have been trying to decide on some new years goals. I didn't want to have too many like I did last year and not really achieve much of anything and I want them to be measurable and attainable. So I have decided to choose just a few and then work on them for three months and then either keep working on them or choose new ones if they have been met.

The three goals I have chosen are

1.To strive to read the Lesson material for church on Sunday and also hold dedicated family time to discuss and teach the material. As a family we have decided on a family minute (about 10 minutes of less) twice a week on Monday and Wednesday nights. And then also family time every Sunday morning at 10:00. Family activities will happen throughout the week or sometimes have something bigger or more structured planned on the weekends.

2. 12 Weeks to a happier and healthier me. I have joined a health/weight loss coach and her group and am hoping after the 12 week program I will not only be happy and healthier, but also have achieved my ideal weight or at least be closer to it. I plan to listen to the podcasts every week and diligently try to put what I am being taught into practice. It's not easy for me. I know I'm not at a happy or healthy weight for me, but most of what I need to lose (because it's not a lot) is more of a mental thing for me, so I am trying to work through this.

3. Focus on Bryce's Needs-what can I do to help him eat better? Brain Balance exercises more regularly, make him lick of smell new food items daily, more sensory input. I don't know exactly what but probably a combination and just try to make a more conscious effort especially since our insurance is no longer paying for his eating therapy.

Here's to a new year, new goals, and new possibilities!

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