Sunday, May 18, 2014

15 Month Check-Up

A few weeks ago I took Bryce in for his 15 month check up. The Doctor said he is pretty healthy maybe a little on the small side, but healthy none the less. He weighed in at 20 lbs which is only in the 3 percentile of kids his age. He was 18.5 inches long which is in the 42 percentile of kids his age. Bryce is a picky picky eater but he loves to drink milk. The doctor told us to try and cut back his milk consumption a little bit to see if we could get him to eat more solids and gain a little weight and also to help him sleep through the night since he doesn't really do that yet.
He knows several words now, and is always surprising us with something new he says. His favorite two words are still "out" and "ball". He has also learned to say "no". He picks up on things really quickly and we have to stay on our toes with him. He will throw absolutely anything. He likes to 'play ball' with whatever he has available. A few days ago he somehow got a hold of a mug and slam dunked it in his basketball hoop. The mug unfortunately didn't make it. Oh yes and he loves the water-even if it's cold. Twice already this spring I have had to take him out of a freezing cold pool of water after he has been in it for an hour and his lips are starting to turn purple and he is shivering with cold.

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