Friday, March 22, 2013

Tanner's Science Fair Project

Tanner's science fair project for this year was pretty intense. It would have to be right-in order to send his father into the liquor store. HAHA! We needed 95% proof alcohol otherwise known as Ever-clear for the extraction process. His project was which fruit or vegetable has the most DNA. The process of DNA extraction is pretty lengthy, plus he extracted from each one 3 times to get an average, so this project took a long time! Guess which one has the most-Spinach. Does that mean it's the best for you? hmmmm

When he proposed this project to his science teacher her first response was that most 7th graders did not have the equipment on hand for DNA extraction. HAHA! We showed her the process we had found to do it with things around your house like pantyhose, blender, liquor (haha), etc. and she approved it. Tanner was so excited about it and sure he was going to win something, but guess what he didn't :( He was super sad about it. I mean the project that won was "Does a basketball bounce higher if it has more air?" Really! I think the judging was a little biased. Tanner did say though that after school his teacher told him that she thought his should have won and that he had definitely put the most work into it, which made him feel a little better. Then super mom to the rescue and a smoothie from Perks and all was forgotten-hopefully.


Abby and Brenda said...

Great project! I can just see Landon ducking into the liquor store! ;) Makele's school is doing science fair projects this year - any advice on good internet sites for ideas?

Tia said...

If you just google easy science fair projects. Then there are tons of good ideas. Or you could just steal Chloe's Watermelon idea :)