Friday, March 22, 2013

8 Weeks Old-Spit Up and Shots

Bryce turned 8 weeks old today. He also had his 2 month checkup. He has been spitting up a lot. The doctor thinks he has a little bit of acid re-flux but says he is a happy spitter because he still seems to be thriving, so for now we just watch him, and try to do things to reduce the acid re-flux  Some days are better than others and some days the whole family has to change clothes at least once. We still love him though despite his spitting up on us :) He measured in at 10 lbs 12 oz which puts him in the 32 percentile for weight and 23 inches long which puts him in the 59 percentile for height. His head was 15.4 inches which is the 30 percentile. He is definitely growing. He also had to have 3 shots today while he was at the doctor. I thought it was 4 but that shows how long I have been out of the baby loop, because one of them is now given in liquid form that they drink, so he had that as well. The kids thought it was so sad he had to have so many shots, but Chloe was happy that at least they gave him  band-aids that matched his shirt.

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