Thursday, December 13, 2012

She's Back

Our elf Ellie is back for the Christmas Season. Some of the things she has been up to so far this year are: making snow angels in the flour, drinking our syrup, playing the wii, and hanging upside down from the curtains. Unfortunately the last little trick got her in a jam because she didn't move the next day due to the fact that she was stuck-Chloe was quite distraught but luckily Landon was able to get her down without touching her so she would be able to move the next night :).
After Thanksgiving Chloe went back to school and all of her friends elf's had come already, so of course she had to go home and write a note to Ellie asking her if she could come before Dec. 1. I think there should be some sort of Elf on the Shelf Etiquette book with rules for the elf's-HA HA. #1-Elf's must come no sooner than December 1. #2 Your elf may not be touched or it loses it's Christmas magic-come on Brit don't you know the rules-J/K, but seriously. Then there are those super creative elf's that do some extravagant scheme every single night which make it hard for the regular elf's to keep up with them. No it's all fun though and makes for a fun Christmas tradition.

1 comment:

Abby and Brenda said...

I agree - no coming before Dec 1st! Ours got "stuck" too in a hot air balloon when he forgot to go back to the north pole and stayed there for two days. Jack was quite worried that somebody had touched him and htat he had lost his magic! ;)