Monday, September 3, 2012

Priesthood and Scout Advancement

The last two weeks have been filled with exciting events in Tanner's life. Two weeks ago on Sunday he received the Aaronic Priesthood and he was ordained a deacon. Grandpa and Grandma Ellison were able to come down for this event and most of my family who lives in town was able to come as well. It was a special day. Afterwards we had a nice dinner, including cheesecake, at Great Grandma's house. 
That night there was a scout court of honor. Tanner moved out of the 11 year old scouts to the regular Boy Scouts in the 12 year old group. He received his 2nd and 1st class scout advancements.  He also got his Robotics, Orienteering, and Communications Merit Badges. 
Another thing is that he moved out of Primary into Young Men's. I can't believe it-dare I say that he is not really a little boy anymore he is growing up and yep-GASP-he's pretty much a teenager now. 
This week in church he passed the sacrament for the first time. He did such a good job even though he was a little nervous. I was so proud of him. He also got to go and collect fast offerings after church for the first time.
A lot of first in the last two weeks and a lot of growing up. We are proud of Tanner and hope that he continues on the path he is on. I have meant to get a picture of him all decked out in his Sunday attire the past two weeks but alas I have failed-maybe next week I'll remember. 

1 comment:

Abby and Brenda said...

I cannot believe he is old enough to pass the sacrament! I didn't even think about him leaving the primary.