Friday, March 30, 2012

Close Call

Yesterday evening we had a pretty close call with a house fire. It's not a good thing when your son comes down to the park and tells you to hurry home because there are smoke and flames coming out of the inside of the house. Yikes!
Well that's exactly what happened yesterday...Here's the story I had started some rice cooking and went back down to the park to get Chloe. I told Tanner that when the rice started to boil to put the lid on it, turn the burner to low, and then he could come down to the park on his bike for a few minutes. So he did, or so he thought he did, but what had really happened is that he had put the lid on the rice and left that burner on high. He did turn a burner to low, but not the right one. So then we were getting ready to head home from the park and of course Tanner beat us home on his bike. When he opened the front door there was smoke just pouring out of the house. So of course in his mind he immediately thought there were flames too-luckily there weren't. He came racing back to the park to get me. I could smell the smoke by the time I got to the first house across the street from us. I ran in and turned off the burner and removed the burnt pan. We couldn't even really come in the house for a couple of hours because the smoke was so bad. Thankfully one of our friends invited us over for dinner. We had windows open late into the night airing out the place. It still really stinks like smoke in here so I guess now it's time to wash everything from top to bottom and hope I can get rid of the smell.

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