Monday, December 5, 2011

Our Elf-Elly

After seeing Taryn's Elf on the Shelf and hearing about others that have them. We decided that we were going to try it out. Chloe was super excited when we told her about it, and she kept asking us all sorts of questions the night before our elf was to arrive. She could hardly wait. She showed up a few days ago and it has been really fun for the kids. Tanner likes to help-if you get my drift ;) Yesterday while we were in church the elf (ELLY) moved spots and brought a magical snowflake. Chloe was pretty stoked about that. So excited in fact that she spontaneously and without being asked cleaned her whole room and got ready for bed all without help or anything-that has never happened before! Her reasoning was that she wanted the elf to see her room. Well this morning when Chloe woke up the elf was in her room and she even had a little treat for Chloe. While I was in the shower Chloe cleaned my room and made my bed. WOW all in the power of the elf-LOL.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

That is great maybe I need to try this out.