Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we just kind of hung out. We didn't go anywhere for Christmas this year, so it was kind of nice just to stay home. Though I can't say that we were just relaxing all day long either-we were actually pretty busy. We made a bunch of stick horses with my mom and dad to give out to a few kids and that took most of the day. We also got ready and delivered a second secret Santa. The kids made a gingerbread house and we drove around and looked at a few Christmas lights. Then the kids got to open their pjs and ornaments. This is one of our Christmas traditions they get pjs and a new special ornament each year. This year Chloe got a panda bear ornament and Tanner's was "Wally" the redsox mascot. They were both pretty excited for Christmas to come, but they were both actually in bed and asleep before ten o'clock.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

looks fun I am glad you guys had a fun Christmas.