Thursday, July 7, 2011


My kids were so excited last week when I told them that their cousins were coming for a visit. The day they were supposed to arrive the woke up and the first thing they wanted to know is when they were going to be here. They didn't stop asking until the showed up. Then is was none stop fun for the next 4 days. They played on the slip n slide, played baseball, went swimming, and stayed up late every night watching a movie. Oh yes and how can I forget a sleep over in the tent in the front yard complete with the roasting of smores over the barbecue grill. (probably because I didn't get any pictures-sad) The adults enjoyed barbecuing, talking, catching up, and celebrating the 4th of July. It was a great few days and we were super glad that they could come down for a visit. Now Chloe keeps asking me when she can see Makele again.

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