Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All-Star Tournament Game #2

Yesterday was Tanner's second all-star game in which they were versing Parowan. The game started off with the pledge of allegiance and the all-star pledge. Tanner was chosen to get to read the all-star pledge aloud-I trust in God I love my country and will respect its laws I will play fair and strive to win but win or lose I will always do my best. After the first inning the score was tied 3-3. They brought Tanner in to pitch the 2nd inning. He with the help of his team were able to hold Parowan to only 1 more run throughout the next 4 innings. He had 3 or 4 strikeouts and a throw out to first. His team did an awesome job backing him up in the field. They won the game 15-4! Tanner's coach gave out the two game balls at the end of the game and Tanner got one of them for throwing good. After the game he told the umps thank you, and they told him he had done a great job pitching. They said that they had tightened up his strike zone the last couple of innings since they were beating the other team so badly. No fair, I knew a few of those pitches looked like strikes! His next game will be Wednesday night so stay tuned...

Chloe is such a trooper through all of the baseball games. She is able to keep herself entertained and seems to make new friends to play with wherever we go. Yesterday she told us that one of her new friends was her age and the other two were "teenagers like Kylie". She was pretty proud of that fact-lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tanner you are great! Congrats! Hope you remember to tell your Dad, Mom & Chloe thanks for always being at your games. Grandpa and I will try to make it to a game soon.