Saturday, December 12, 2009


The basketball season for Tanner is underway. This year he is on the TrailBlazer's team. They are doing very good so far. They had a game this morning-bright and early at 8:00-I guess I should call it a butt whoopin though at least for the other team. I was actually starting to feel bad for them.
Here is the score at the end of the third....
Here is the coach from the other team-not a happy camper.Tannner is doing very well so far this year he has been getting tons on rebounds and stills and his dribbling has greatly improved. Now we just need to work on him getting a few baskets. He did try for a few today and even made a really impressive drive but nothing was going in for him. Hopefully that will change over the next few games. I really like there coach he teaches the boys to pass and not just to run down and pass, in fact a few times during the game there were boys that had a chance to make a shot but the looked for a team member who hadn't made a basket yet and threw it to them to let them have a chance. I was very impressed.

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