Sunday, August 16, 2020

Above Ground Pool

We decided to put up an above ground pool this year, with all the craziness and uncertainty we thought it might be a good thing to have because at least it would give Bryce something to do and a place to play if things were shut down. The one we were originally going to get was quite a bit smaller, but our order was cancelled because they couldn't fulfill it and we couldn't find another one anywhere-apparently a lot of people had the same idea. We finally found this one on Ebay and were actually glad we ended up getting the bigger one. The instructions said not to put it up if it was windy, but we didn't really have another day to do it, so we ended up just going for it. It was a bit of a struggle battling it in the wind, and it took us almost a whole day, but with everyone's help we finally got it set up. It took another day and a half to fill it up with water.
Looks like it's time for a pool party~!

 Bryce practically lives in the pool now and never passes up a chance to have someone come over and swim with him. I'm so glad we ended up getting it.

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