Thursday, July 16, 2020

Summertime Vibes

It's not quite summer, but it's getting closer. The weather is warming up and it's time to start playing outside and playing in the water. Not only that, but some things and places that were currently closed are starting to open. We are ready to get out and start playing. We are all sick of being cooped up. It's also nice that we can start having more family and friends over as a lot of the gathering restrictions for COVID have been lifted.
Here are a few of the things we have been up to around here to keep us active and cool.
Fun on the water slide plus visits from Grandma and some cousins.

A Tarp and some Dish Soap
The kids had fun one day with a tarp and some dish soap. It would have been better if the lawn was just a little bit longer, but they still had fun, although they had some rashes afterwards from sliding on the tarp.

House of Jump opened back up and we took the opportunity to go get some jumping in with our cousins one day.

Luckily Tiffanie and Brandon own a boat, so sometimes we get an invite to the lake. We never pass it up if we can. WE had a great day on the water and this time Bryce even tried body surfing and loved it. 

 Anytime we pair the trampoline with a sprinkler it equals a good time.

I guess we are ready for summer. Bring it on!

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