Wednesday, June 3, 2020

20 days of Surprises

This year Landon and I will have been married for 20 years. That's a big one. Landon had been scheming for months, and 19 days before our actual anniversary he surprised me with a card, saying that he hadn't done the best job surprising me and giving me thoughtful gifts over the years, but that he was going to make up for it and each day until our anniversary I would get a surprise. It was very thoughtful and I'm so glad he planned it out, especially when our 20 year anniversary trip to Hawaii was canceled due to COVID-19.
Each day for 20 days I received a note usually containing some sort of poem and some history of our lives together. A lot of times there were little gifts with them. The gifts ranged from things I needed or wanted to being funny or cute.
Some things I got were a heart drawn on the bathroom mirror, pickleballs, a 12 pack of vanilla coke, Landon dressed up in a mullet, a canvas him and the kids had made with "famous quotes" from me, a treasure hunt, a new laptop that had a video Landon had made of our 20 years together waiting on it, 2 wedding rings, and of course the trip to Hawaii (which hopefully we will still get to take in the future).

The last surprise on day 20, our actual anniversary. Was a new wedding ring to replace the one I lost years ago (I haven't worn one from maybe 7 years-because we never replaced it). We also went out to eat at a Hawaiian restaurant since we were supposed to be in Hawaii. Actually I guess we drove up and got carryout since all indoor eating at restaurants was shut down due to COVI-19.

Landon did a great job making me feel special for those 20 days. I know he loves me and am truly grateful I married him. We have done a lot of growing up and grown closer together. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. Here's to 20 more years. Love you Landon. Happy Anniversary.

(sidenote I saved all those notes and letters maybe one day someone will enjoy reading them)

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