Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trunk or Treat at Preschool

Last year on clearance I bought the whole family marvel costumes. I had a plan, but Bryce had other ideas. He didn't want to be Wolverine. He really wanted to be Gekko off PJ Masks. Of course he is spoiled so he got his wish, and I ordered him a Gekko costume. It was a high quality one with the full head piece and gloves and the works, but guess what when it came he hated the head piece and never really wore it-again he had his own plans. He also wanted Tanner and Chloe to both be one of the PJ Masks as well-Tanner Cat Boy and Chloe Owlette. Since they both love him so much they at least put the masks on for him from time to time.

Bryce's preschool had a trunk or treat. I was so glad that I was able to leave work for a little bit and go over to it. Even though Bryce wouldn't wear his headpiece or mask he did let me dye his hair green. The preschool kids were all so cute in their costumes. Lots of the parents decorated their cars and did fun things as the kids walked around. I sat at Sandi's car with her-maybe next year I will plan ahead and do something cute with mine.

I love my little Gekko, even if he doesn't always do things according to my plan :)

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