Friday, March 30, 2012

Close Call

Yesterday evening we had a pretty close call with a house fire. It's not a good thing when your son comes down to the park and tells you to hurry home because there are smoke and flames coming out of the inside of the house. Yikes!
Well that's exactly what happened yesterday...Here's the story I had started some rice cooking and went back down to the park to get Chloe. I told Tanner that when the rice started to boil to put the lid on it, turn the burner to low, and then he could come down to the park on his bike for a few minutes. So he did, or so he thought he did, but what had really happened is that he had put the lid on the rice and left that burner on high. He did turn a burner to low, but not the right one. So then we were getting ready to head home from the park and of course Tanner beat us home on his bike. When he opened the front door there was smoke just pouring out of the house. So of course in his mind he immediately thought there were flames too-luckily there weren't. He came racing back to the park to get me. I could smell the smoke by the time I got to the first house across the street from us. I ran in and turned off the burner and removed the burnt pan. We couldn't even really come in the house for a couple of hours because the smoke was so bad. Thankfully one of our friends invited us over for dinner. We had windows open late into the night airing out the place. It still really stinks like smoke in here so I guess now it's time to wash everything from top to bottom and hope I can get rid of the smell.

First Court of Honor

Tanner had his first Court of Honor for scouts at it he received the following awards:boy scout badge, tenderfoot ranking, chess merit badge, reading merit badge, and family life merit badge. We our proud of him. These badges are just a little bit harder to get then the cub scout ones but so far he is doing a great job!

Grass Hut

Last week they were taking out a few of the palm trees buy our house. Dave collected some of the palm leaves and made a awesome grass hut for the kids to play in.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Life Updates

Just a few updates on life around here...
First off Landon and I celebrated our 12 anniversary on March 25. Can you believe it!
Second on that same day Landon was released from the bishopric and then five minutes later he was re-sustained as the 2nd counselor. LOL Would you call this an anniversary present?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blue Angels

The Blue Angels U.S. Navy air team was in St. George over the weekend. They only do about 30 of these shows around the world per year and they have hundreds of applicants, so it was a pretty big thing for St. George. They figured there would be about 30,000 people attending many traveling to see it from far away places. We thought about buying tickets but in the end decided just to drive out to one of the gravel pits by Landon's work that is right by the airport to watch. Some of my family came out and we had a little picnic. The kids enjoyed playing on the dirt piles as much as anything. We couldn't see everything going on for the first half, which was some older WWII planes and stuff, but once the blue angels took to the sky we could see everything they were doing. It was pretty awesome to see. They preformed for about an hour straight and the kids were enthralled the whole time they were in the air.


So on Friday Chloe got a perm and Tanner got contacts. Yep apparently he is going to be playing catcher part of the time in little league and he can't throw off his helmet with glasses on. So we had him fitted for contacts on Friday. He is pretty excited about them. He can't quite get them in by himself yet but he is getting pretty good at getting them out on his own. He probably won't wear them all the time at least not yet, but will probably wear them at least for baseball and whenever else he feels like it. I love the way when he has contacts in that you can see the blue color of his eyes so much better.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Chloe has really been wanting a perm for awhile. We have debated about it and even had an appointment made at one point that we canceled. There were so many factors to consider including the price of one and also whether or not she could sit still long enough. Then I had a light bulb moment and remembered that my mom used to give us perms. So I asked if she thought she could give one to Chloe and she said sure! We were able to round up some perm rods and I was able to buy a perm for $5.23 at Wal-Mart. Grandma came over Friday afternoon and went to work. Chloe was so excited that even when my mom tried to play a joke on her and tell her she had accidentally cut off one of the rods she just smiled at her. The last five minutes of waiting were the hardest and she started to get a little fussy on us, but at last it was over and the end result is so worth it. When she looked in the mirror she just smiled. It looks so cute on her plus it should be super easy to take care of. Thanks Grandma Tawny :)

Spring Break

This past week has been spring break for both the kids and myself. We didn't really go anywhere but we did a lot right here at home. We went hiking twice, out to eat twice, went to Jumping Jacks, went to Fiesta Fun, had a neighborhood BBQ, and played at the park for hours and hours on end. What we didn't do sleep in or get much cleaning or homework done-oh well I guess. We had tons of fun hanging out with our friends and family. I wish I could say that I managed to get pictures at every activity, but I didn't. Here are a few pictures of some of our adventures...

Hike to Werner Valley Dinosaur Tracks and Fort Pierce Pioneer Fort...Hiking at the Red Cliffs above St. George...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Brenda Neuberger Design Team March Project

I have been invited to be a part of the Brenda Neuberger Design team. My incentive is that I get free digital scrapbooking products, plus I hoping it will help me get out of the slump I have been in with getting my photos scrapbooked. Oh yeah and it's my sister in law so how could I say no. Really though I am excited. We have to do one project a month. Here is my layout for March.

"Snow Day"

products used

Brenda Neuberger Design-Winter Vacation Mini Kit;Brenda Neuberger Design-Bella Template #3(There is a link for her store on my sidebar :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I guess it was only inevitable that something like this would happen-I mean with the two baseball fanatics we have living here and the amount of hours they spend throwing or hitting a baseball right? But Really? Did it have to happen the same weekend we just got done spending $500 to get Landon's truck back up and running. What are the chances. Such is life I guess.

Puppy Teeth

Did you know that puppies lose teeth just like little kids? Well they do, but they lose them a lot faster and a lot closer together. In the last week our puppy Beckett has lost about 5 of his puppy teeth. We will be walking along and find one on the floor or there will be one stuck in something he is chewing on. Chloe was so intrigued with his teeth that she decided she would take on in for show and tell on Friday. I wasn't to sure about the idea but I let her take it. I happened to be in her class when she was showing off the puppy tooth and it was a big hit. All the kids especially the boys were like "cool" or "that is so awesome"-lol. They had been learning about teeth in class so they were also quick to identify that is was probably a bicuspid.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Gymnastic Videos

Landon is so good to take videos of Chloe when he goes to pick her up from gymnastics. (I think he is one proud daddy) I'm glad he does because I am not very good at it and sometimes I miss out on things because my schedule doesn't always work for me to be there when she has learned a new skill. She is now doing a backhand-spring in class with no spot. And her latest trick two backhand-springs in a row! WOW!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taylee Pearl

Over the weekend Chloe and I traveled up to Ogden for baby Taylee's blessing. (Landon and Tanner stayed home because Tanner had a baseball tournament.) Taylee's full name is Taylee Pearl Neuberger. When she was first born and Chloe found out her name she said "I wish we could just call her Pearl because Pearl is such a cute name".

We had a fun time. Chloe didn't want to leave. When it was finally time to go I think I had to go back into the house to bring her back to the car about 3 different times. I hardly saw her all weekend she was so busy playing with her cousins. The first night we were gone she had a sleepover with Saydee and Gavin. The second night her and Makele went and slept at aunt Shawna's house. So I was really all alone-it was a nice break, but a little too quiet. I really didn't know what to do with myself. To bad I couldn't have gotten myself to get a little of my homework out of the way.-lol.

I had to add this picture of Chloe and Camille-one of the only ones I managed to snap all weekend. Chloe loves Camille the first thing she asked when we got to Ogden is when we would see her. She kept coming and telling me Camille is so cute! She would carry her around all day long if she could.

Friday, March 2, 2012


On Tuesday Tanner had tryouts for the Majors in Little League. We found out that he made it and his team for the next few years will be the Mariners. He is pretty excited. They kind of do like a draft just like the big leagues. First they take the returning players from the year before if there were any. Then they have to put all the kids who are now twelve on the teams. Then they get to pick the 11, 10 , and 9 year olds to fill the rest of their spots. (FYI Tanner is 11). The team with the worst record from last year gets to go first, etc. until everyone has all the players the need. Anyways a little bird told us Tanner went in the first round and was about the 6th pick. That makes both his parents pretty happy-especially dad :)