Sunday, January 31, 2016

Basketball Season Part 1

I can't believe the basketball season is almost over and I have yet to do a post. Chloe's team this year is called the Thunder. I am the coach. We actually have a pretty good little team. Chloe's BFF Brydee is on the team as well as another girl who is on her competitive soccer team. In all we have 10 girls on our team. It's a fun group.
Our team is having a great season. We have played 6 games so far this season. We have won 3 and tied 1. We have had two loses, but they were both super close. One the score was 0-4 and the other was 12-13. One thing my team can really do is defend. We are working on learning to pick, do the pick and roll, as well as good passing and ball control. Chloe is having a great season. She leads our team in scoring. She mostly plays point guard. She has great ball handling skills and she pays attention to the game-she knows when to drive it to the hole and when to pass if off. She is also super aggressive. The ref a few times has told her to calm down a little bit and also once asked our team to back off a little bit when we were beating another team pretty badly. Sometimes Chloe gets frustrated that her team mates aren't as serious or dedicated as she is. LOL-oh Chloe girl! That's why we love her. Several times this year coaches and parents from the other teams as well as ours have complimented Chloe on what a good ball player she is. I can't say the girls from the other teams share the feeling though and a few times they have been downright rude to her. I told her she had just better get used to it.

One thing I hate about being the coach is I haven't gotten a lot of good pictures. I am too busy yelling a my team to take the time to take photos-haha! Landon tries to get a few shots each game and he is pretty good at taking videos at least.
Here is a shot of my team. (not sure what Chloe is doing)

"I wish you had a quarter"

We went to the party store to purchase a few last minute items we needed for Tanner's Eagle Scout Court of Honor and Bryce's Birthday Party. As I was checking out Bryce spotted one of those cars that when you add a quarter if moves and makes noise. He went and climbed in and pretended to drive it. As I walked over to get him so we could leave he looked at me and said "I wish you had a quarter". Well of course I dug in my wallet and found one-he was so happy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

3 Year Check Up

 Today I took Bryce in for his 3 year well child check-up. For most things he is advanced, such as his language and also the fact that he is potty trained. He weighed in at 26.9 lbs which puts him in the 4% percentile for his age. He is 37 inches tall which puts him in the 39% percentile for his age. His body mass index 13.5 and in the 0% percentile. Yep he's a skinny little guy. The doctor said he seems like I happy content little guy. For the most part he is, but I'll tell ya the last few week we can definitely hit what some refer to as the "threenager" stage. He throws numerous tantrums a day as he tries to express himself and his independence. Sometimes I honestly don't think he knows why he is throwing a tantrum other than he wanted something to be his idea instead of ours. Hopefully we can all make it through these next few months and he learns to control his independence and emotions.
Sure do love this boy!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Stick Figures

Bryce loves to draw, color, and paint. Recently he has learned how to draw people. He will spend a really long time drawing pictures of everyone he knows. I love watching as he grows and develops new skills.

Soccer Tournament

Chloe's soccer team played in a huge soccer tournament in Mesquite a couple of weeks ago. I mean it was big. Like every motel in Mesquite completely sold out big. So big in fact that they hold it two separate weekends breaking it up by age groups. Teams came from all over Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, etc. I think this is one of the biggest tournaments her team has played in before.
Well I wish I could say that her team rocked it and dominated like they usually do, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. The competition was tough and although the girls played good they just didn't play good enough. The played three games and lost two of them. It definitely showed the coaches areas they need to work on and improve in, which even though losing sucks, can benefit the team later on. They still had fun I think. One of the highlights might have been playing on a real turf field for the first time.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quilt #1 and #2

2 out of 52 Quilts done so far this year. The first one was for myself. Chloe bought me the fabric for it last year at Christmas-I'm so happy that I finally go it done.
 The second one is for one of the teachers at Chloe's school, who just had a baby. As you can see sometimes Landon steps in to help finish up some ties especially if he is wanting my quilting frames down and out of the way.



Tanner has had a horrible cough since Christmas. Last Monday it took a turn for the worse. We took him into the doctor and they put him on augmentin a few days later he still wasn't improving so they switched him to a Z-pac. The next day he broke out in a horrible rash from one of the medications. We finally go that under control and he finally started feeling better. Needless to say he ended up missing a whole week of school! No Bueno :(
Unfortunately it seems that now Bryce and Chloe may be coming down with some colds, but I hope its not the same thing as Tanner had-tis the season for sickness I guess.


I have been working quite a bit lately. I am so lucky that I have a sister, a cousin, and a Grandma who I am able to rely on to watch Bryce on the days that I work. The other day I went to my Grandmas house to pick up Bryce when I walked in I saw him at the sink with her washing dishes. It reminded me of when I used to do the same thing of her when I was little. I wished I would have snapped a picture. I had to pull out my photo book and look back on the memory. She is such a good Grandma.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Our little Bryce started Sunbeams this month. Normally kids enter Sunbeams the January after they turn 3. However, since Bryce's birthday is in January we asked if it would be alright for him to go in to Sunbeams early. The primary presidency readily agreed. Including Bryce there are only about 4 active Sunbeams right now. Besides his birthday we just felt like Sunbeams would be a better fit for Bryce as he tends to associate better with older children. Also he has struggled with going to nursery from the beginning; we think partly do to the chaos and crying that often can be found in nursery.
The first week of Sunbeams he wanted one of us to stay with him the whole time. We were a little bit worried, maybe it wasn't going to work out to have him go to Sunbeams after all. We talked with him about it throughout the week. The next Sunday he had Chloe walk him to class and sit by him for the opening song. Then he stayed the whole rest of the time by himself. The same thing happened the next week except this time he told Chloe you can go now before they even sang the first song. He fell asleep during singing time for a few minutes when it was time to go to his class he woke up and cried for a minute. I went in his class with him thinking I would probably end up in there the rest of the time, however after a few minutes I told him I was going to go back to my class, expecting a negative reaction, but he just said "Bye". WOW! That is serious progress-never would have happened in nursery. I think he really likes being a big boy and going to Sunbeams.
We love our little guy! He is growing up so fast. We are so proud of him for all he has accomplished in overcoming some of his separation fears.

Rainy Days and Umbrellas

We have had quite a bit of rainy weather here the past few weeks. One day we ventured our to Costco with my Grandma. I snapped this cute picture of Bryce and Grandma. Bryce thought her umbrella was pretty cool, but you can tell just by the way he is looking at her how much he loves her.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Yesterday I was leaving the house to run a few errands. I left Bryce home with the older two kids. When I went to go I gave him a kiss and told him goodbye. He said "wait Mom, Chloe needs to have responsibility for me and she's not in the room with me." HAHA Love that little guy.

Ice Fishing

Landon decided that we should take a little trip and go ice fishing. Chloe was ecstatic-she had never been ice fishing before and you know her love for adventure. Bryce thought it sounded fun, and even Tanner decided to come along. So bright and early Saturday morning we headed to the lake. When we got there Tanner's first words were-"what we don't have any service here? When will we have it again?"-haha typical teenager right there.
  Landon and Chloe got everything set up and the holes drilled. Then the rest of us ventured out. First thing in the morning it was cold-too cold. Bryce cried after being out for only a few minutes. I took him back to the truck and was glad to stay there with him for awhile. Over the next little bit we all took turns venturing out. However, for the most part the two boys spent the entire time in the nice warm truck. Towards the end of our stay it warmed up pretty nicely. Good thing we had our new portable heater with us for the rest of the time.
 Chloe stayed on the ice the entire time we were there. In fact when we were all in the truck ready to go she was still out there. She really wanted to catch a fish-but they just weren't biting. We only saw two brought in the whole time we were there.

 The mighty fishers
 Pretty but cold
 The two boys keeping warm and hanging out.
We had fun spending time together, even though we didn't catch anything. We stayed for about 3 hours then headed home. We stopped along the way and had a nice warm lunch.
I think we will try to go again, if not this year then next for sure. However, when we do go back we might just leave the two boys home ;)

Tia's 2016 Goals

Tia's Goals for 2016 (maybe if I write them down on here I'll do a better job keeping them)

Health and Fitness
-Go to the gym 2-3 times per week
-Eat Better

-Do a Better Job of Cooking Dinner
-Make 52 Quilts (average of 1 per week)
     (I give these out for baby gifts throughout the year, but would like to have a stockpile on hand, as well as some I can use for Birthdays and donate at Christmas time)
-Finish Bryce's Baby Book (I'm halfway there)
-Continue Blogging (Try and be a little more personal)

-Read the entire Ensign Every Month
-Read the material for Relief Society each week
-Continue to Work on Family History
-Attend Ward Temple Night at least 6 times throughout the year
-Do Better at Fasting

Hopefully I can accomplish most of these.

New Years Celebrations

We started out our new years celebration at my Grandma Marshall's house with our annual Crab Feast. Chloe was infatuated with everything about the crab. She liked cooking them, playing with them, and she especially liked eating them. I think she seriously ate more than anyone.

 After stuffing ourselves. We headed out to some parties. We dropped Tanner off at the Stake Youth New Years Party. The rest of us went to one of our friends house. It was fun we visited, watched the ball games, and played a few fun games. Then it was time for the kids to ring in the new year. For some reason they love the idea of banging pots and pans-haha. Surprisingly even Bryce stayed awake to ring in the new year.-WOW-that is very unusual for him. The second we put him in the car to head home he fell right to sleep.

We had a fun time bringing in the new year-hears to a great 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Star Wars Breakfast Buddies

I gave Bryce some waffles for Breakfast and then turned around to wash the dishes. I kept hearing him repeat the same words over and over again "I want waffles". I was like Bryce you have waffles now quit saying it and eat them. He was like Mom it's not me saying it, it's my star wars guys. HAHA! Funny little guy ;)