Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Super Saturday with The Ellison's

This Saturday we didn't have soccer games, due to it being a Holiday Weekend, but we still had lots going on. More importantly though we had lots of fun.
We started out by going to my Sister Tiffanie's house for a bit. While Landon and Brandon worked on wiring some electrical stuff, Tiffanie and I did some freezer cooking. We spent about 3 hours over there and then grabbed some pizza as we headed for our next adventure.
Our next adventure was a Birthday party for Peytan, our friend Fallyn's little girl. It was at the Sandhallow Aquatic Center-my kids favorite place to swim. Bryce wore Chloe and I both out having us take him down the hydro tube. Bryce was didn't understand why we all had to get out of the pool when some kid threw up in it-and yes he cried for a few minutes, but then his balloon and party favor won him over and he was happy for the trip home.
At home it was time for a little nap and then to prepare for the grand finale. A Movie Night Under the Stars at The Ellison house. Landon brought home a projector from work and hung a big tarp. Chloe and Brydee made and handed out invitations. We borrowed a popcorn machine from my sister Tiffanie and we had our own little "sit in" movie on the front lawn. We watched the newest Disney/Pixar movie "Home". I think there were about 13 kids and 6 adults in attendance. It was so much fun. Well for everyone but Tanner he didn't think it was cool-he especially didn't like our choice of movie. He watched Star Wars inside instead, but he did at least enjoy some popcorn-haha-teenagers!!! I'm sure this is something we will do again. It was a great way to end our day.


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