Saturday, September 12, 2015

Soccer Saturday & a Little Pat on the Back

If you know Chloe then you know that she absolutely loves soccer. A lot lately she has been coming home upset because some team mates are using practice more as a play time than anything else-and by doing so the rest of the team ends up running extra laps and stuff. Well this week at practice Chloe said that the coach was giving a pep talk at the end of practice and this is what he said. "Most of you come here and work hard, a few of you need to improve there is to much goofing off and whining about what you are asked to do. I do however want to point one person out and that person is Chloe. Chloe works hard for us every week. She has gotten better and is learning what she needs to be doing. She never whines or complains and she always hustles back onto the field after a water break." Chloe was a little bit embarrassed, but he told her to put a smile on her face cause she deserved the compliment. WOW! So proud of her; her hard work and determination are paying off and being noticed.
Her team had a game on Saturday. They won 5-0. Chloe had an awesome game. She started both half's and only sat out for a few minutes during each. She made smart plays and passes-several of which ended up as assists for goals. She is really smart at reading the field. The one thing she might need to work on just a little bit is being quicker to take a shot herself instead of passing it off to someone else for the shot. It was such a nice day too as the weather has started to cool off just a few degrees. #soccergirl #number2 #FIREFC-akaUnited

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