Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sick Sick Girl

Well it happened again Chloe had another one of her "sick" episodes hit her. It was right after her soccer game-she got to the car and laid down in the back seat and said I'm getting sick again. This is how it happens every time. She starts with extreme body aches-especially in her legs, but her whole body hurts including her stomach and head. She then gets a fever. She usually also gets a sore throat and will sometimes have a rash on her upper chest and cheeks.  She will be sick like this for several days. Then it goes away for about 4-6 weeks then it happens again. When it happens she is so weak and sick-twice we have had to put her in a wheel chair. This is the 4th time this has happened in about the last 5 months. This time I decided to take action and try to figure out what in the world is going on with her. In a three days time she visited three different doctors, had two strep tests, and also had a bunch of blood work done.  
So far what we know.
She does not have Strep-they did a quick test twice and even cultured it and nothing.
Her CBC (complete blood count is good).
Her sugar levels are good.
She does not currently have Mono, but has had probably in the last 6 months or so.
The doctor thinks it is possible she has something called PFAPA syndrome. Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis. Which is a syndrome where there are sudden attacks of high fever and many of the other symptoms Chloe has when she has one of her attacks. She also tends to get mouth sores a lot and this is another symptom of this syndrome.
So now what? Now we wait for the next episode to happen anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Then when it does we give her a steroid if it helps within a few hours we will know that it is PFAPA. If it doesn't help its back to the drawing board.

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