Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Busy Saturdays Back in Session

Well our small break from athletic games ended last Saturday as the fall soccer season began. And our busy Saturdays once again began. To start with Landon took the boys to help clean the church and then they went and took Bryce for a haircut. After that we all went to lunch at Red Robin-Tanner had a free birthday burger he needed to redeem. We made a quick stop at Kohl's while we were nearby to get some shoes for Chloe and Bryce. After that we came home for a few minutes and then it was time for Chloe's soccer game.
This year the girls play with two more players on the field and they have moved to a full size field. They also had to join a club-so they are no longer "United" they are "Fire". Chloe is #2. The game went back and forth for the whole time with neither team quite being able to score a goal. Then with 15 minutes left the game was canceled due to lightning. UGH! Chloe was not happy especially since she had elected to miss the Stake Daddy Daughter Activity to play in her game.

Even though the game was canceled they didn't have time to make it to the activity. Landon had told Chloe if she missed it he would take her to do something else, so once we got home they went bowling.
While they were bowling the boys and I went grocery shopping-Yeah! My second time driving anywhere really much since my little accident.
We all made it home and were ready for bed-except for Chloe she ended up going to a late movie with some of her neighbor friends.
Our Saturdays usually tend to stay pretty busy during sport seasons, but we sure do have lots of fun!

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