Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Otter Creek Camping Trip

We went on our annual Memorial Day campout to Otter Creek. It was super windy, and I can't say that I had the most enjoyable time ever, but I guess it was still time with the family. Also the fishing was great-even though I didn't really do much of it because I didn't feel like battling the wind. Those who did were not disappointed as most of what we were reeling in were 3 pounders. Even Tanner fished for about 10 minutes-luckily he caught on quickly and then he was done for the rest of the time. The wind didn't slow Chloe down one bit, she had the time of her life. She even stayed a couple extra days with Grandpa and Grandma. Chloe is a reminder to us all to try to be happier and grateful for the things we do get to do-even if it is WINDY. 
Chloe and Grandpa with Chloe's big fish...

You can't go camping without having smores-YUMMY!

On the otter walk-the kids in an old adobe house...

 Lots of time was spent hanging out in the motor homes, trailers, and tent...
Tanner was always ready to play a card game with whoever was willing.
 Cousins are the best kind of friends to have. Grandma had lots of fun activities for the kids to do-they all made friendship bracelets.

 Our Family
 The Whole Crew

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

how fun I am so sad we weren't there. This is the one trip a year I really look forward to. I swear we have the worst luck ever.