Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dissabled List Out for the Season

Last night in Tanner's baseball game his left foot got fractured-and I thought baseball was not a contact sport. He was catching and the play was at home. He had the ball when the kid was running in, and in the process mowing over the top of Tanner trying to get him to drop the ball, which he didn't. We all thought he had the tag-apparently the ump was blind because he called the kids safe. After the tag Tanner dropped to the ground in pain. He was able to get up and catch one more inning, but by the end of the game he was limping off the field. When we took of his shoe his foot was swollen and discolored. We iced it and gave him some medicine and put him to bed. This morning it wasn't any better so I took him in for an x-ray. He has a fracture in one of the bones coming up from his toe. He will be down for at least two weeks and possibly up to six depending on how well it heals. He has a pretty cool walking shoe, but this is a horrible way to start the summer. He has two things he  loves to do during the summer- baseball and swim, and right now he can't do either. I hope we both survive. Because just one day was hard enough.


Taryn said...

Oh poor Tanner! I'm so sorry bud!

Janelle Joy Craig said...

Oh no! Talk about summer school-- What a learning Summer this will be. Sorry Tanner!