Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Softball Update April 6-10

Chloe had two softball games last week. Her team won both, which means they are now 3-0 (undefeated)! Chloe is really loving to catch and is doing such a good job at it for it being her first year. She got hits in both of her games this week and also pitched for 1 inning where she was able to get 3 strike-outs. 

In Chloe's second game there was a bit of an accident when one of the girls was swinging a bat too close to the dugout and hit Chloe right in the arm. She was hurt pretty badly. Her arm swelled up where the bat hit her and she was in a lot of pain-all this happened before the game started. Chloe being the little fighter she was refused to sit on the bench (injured) and let someone catch for her-she got in there and played even though she was hurt. The worst part was when she had to hit-it really hurt her to swing the bat-she ended up connecting and getting a really small hit, and was able to outrun it to first. Luckily after a few days her arm was back to normal and all of the girls now know not to swing bats close to the dugout.

Bryce is a little trooper through it all. I hope he doesn't get to worn out on sports by the time he is old enough to play. Here are some shots of him-just hanging out at the ball field. Of course it helps that Great-Grandma usually shows up with a bag of treats to share with him.

 I thought I had better put a picture of the awesome batting line up Chloe made for Landon (Coach) for his birthday. She had just a little bit of help from Mom and Aunt Sandi-it turned out great!!! 

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