Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fun Day with Cousins

Last Wednesday night Brenda and her kids came to town. She had a class at the hospital on Thursday so I watched her kids for her. I decided to try and keep them all busy since I figured if we just stayed cooped up at the house all day I would have a major headache and also I didn't want them just zoned out on their electronics all day. So we started out by going to feed the ducks. On the way we stopped by my Grandma's for a minute-Bryce of course had to have his Grandma come with him-and since she spoils him so, she came along as well. 

 After feeding the ducks we went to the park to play for awhile. Then it was home for lunch and a nap for Bryce. 
While Bryce napped I made sugar cookies with the other kids. Then we all went to Tanner's baseball game and then a Easter Egg hunt at the college. When those were over Tanner headed back to Flowell with Brenda and her kids while Makele stayed with us to go up the next day. I was worn out by the end of the day-but the kids had fun and I think my plan of keeping them busy helped us all have a better day.

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