Thursday, January 29, 2015

Party Preperations

I have known for awhile that we were going to have a "Farm Themed" Party for Bryce's 2nd Birthday. The biggest hurdle was finding a pony to rent. There were several companies listed in St. George but when you called they were actually all located in Nevada and wanted to charge an extreme amount to come to St. George. I called my friend Fallyn and she was able to find us a pony-even better she brought her husband who took care of the pony rides-it was great! After we found our pony it was time to plan the rest of the party.
My Sister-in-Law Brenda made this super cute Birthday Invite for it... 
 I found these Iron-On animals on Ebay and made these cute little shirts for all Bryce's cousins who are about his age.
Chloe and I made these cute animal water bottle labels out of scrap paper that I had on hand.
Chloe also helped me make this cute sign out of an old pallet. 

With Pinterest there is an abundance of ideas to be found so we finally narrowed down our games/entertainment.
Pony Rides (most important)
Tractor Pinata
Catch The Pigs Game
Pin The Tail on the Donkey
Barn Bean Bag Toss
Barn Playhouse
Duck Pond
 Landon and my sister Tiffanie helped a lot with the games. My Sister is the master of cardboard-she helped with the Barn Playhouse, Pig Pen, and Bean Bag Toss. Landon can create and draw anything-he made the pinata and pin the tail game. Everything turned out great!

Next up was the food. I wanted to do some fondant cupcake toppers as well as a cake.  My sister was supposed to help out with the fondant, but her and her family came down with Strep my Grandma and I decided to give it a try-we had neither one fondant on our own before so it was new for us. I think they turned out pretty cute for our first time and Bryce loved helping.
 Working with Mom and Grandma can be exhausting....
 (Chickens and Pigs)
 I found a pattern for this horse cake on Pinterest. We decided to make two since the were kind of small. My Grandma can make anything I can bring her a picture of-so she did the majority of the work. Bryce loved the cakes. His favorite one was the White "Appaloosa" and yes he can say appaloosa :)

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