Last Tuesday my sister went into the doctor because she was having consistent contractions. She thought they would admit her and give her something to stop them, we never would have dreamed at that point about the journey our family was about to take. The doctor monitored her and checked her and at that point told her to call her husband, because they were going to get her ready to transfer to a bigger hospital. You see the babies were already to come even though she wasn't fully dialated. They had pushed down into the brirthing canal and her membranes had pushed out.
The life flighted her to Utah Valley Medical Center and a few hours later we were told that the twins had been born (24 weeks gestation-16 weeks early!). Huxley (1 lb 10 oz) and Hanxton (1 lb 9 oz). June 4, 2014.

They were so tiny and precious and just perfect-10 tiny toes and fingers-even finger and toe nails. There eyes were still sealed shut since they usually don't open them until between 27-28 weeks.
The next few days were rough. They both developed brain bleeds, which is normal in babies this small and Huxley got a tear in his lungs. Hux continued to get worse and his brain bleeds did to. On Sunday June 8 after just 4 days we said goodbye to our little guy.
Most of the family from both Cody and Mandy's side were able to be there to hold him and tell him goodbye. It was the hardest thing any of us have ever experienced. He was just such a precious soul. You could feel the spirit so strongly and many spiritual experiences happened in those short 3 hours we had to tell him goodbye.
That day Mandy was to be released from the hospital. She was so sick and yellow. We all tried to tell the doctors and nurses it wasn't a good idea-she just wasn't well. They didn't listen to us and released her anyways. That night just 5 hours after being released her husband raced her back to the hospital. She was admitted and put in the ICU-toxic staff infection which infected most of her organs was the diagnosis. Though Mandy is now doing better-she is still pretty incoherent and still has fluid on her lungs. Little Hanxton continues to fight each day. He is now just over a week old and today he had surgery on his bowels to take care of two small holes he had. We pray each day all day long that him and Mandy can both fully recover-and will continue to fight together to get well.If you would like to donate or help this family out please go to their giver forward site here.

Huxley Eldon Hare June 4, 2014-June 8, 2014.
We love and miss our little Hux. He will eternally be apart of our family
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