Sunday, March 11, 2012

Puppy Teeth

Did you know that puppies lose teeth just like little kids? Well they do, but they lose them a lot faster and a lot closer together. In the last week our puppy Beckett has lost about 5 of his puppy teeth. We will be walking along and find one on the floor or there will be one stuck in something he is chewing on. Chloe was so intrigued with his teeth that she decided she would take on in for show and tell on Friday. I wasn't to sure about the idea but I let her take it. I happened to be in her class when she was showing off the puppy tooth and it was a big hit. All the kids especially the boys were like "cool" or "that is so awesome"-lol. They had been learning about teeth in class so they were also quick to identify that is was probably a bicuspid.

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