Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekend News: Yardsale, Baseball, Birthday Party

Chloe and Brydee are always looking for ways to earn a little bit of money. They have been wanting to get some pigs to raise. So they decided to have a yard sale. They collected items from parents, grandparents, and aunts. They sorted, priced, and advertised. Finally the day of the big sale was here.
There hard work paid off. They made $228. That is amazing considering the most expensive thing they sold was $5. They had a lot of stuff and they sold a lot. Good work girls.

While I was helping the girls at the yard sale. Tanner and Landon were off on their own adventures. First, they went to a little bit of The Utah Against Pornography Coalition presentation. Then, it was time for a little baseball. Tanner had a scrimmage game. He played second base the whole game. He did a good job. His team ended up losing by a couple of points though-too bad.

On Sunday the kids and I left church after Sunday School to go to a surprise birthday party for my aunt Shelly. We are trying to go to more things with that side of my family. At times it is a little uncomfortable but it is getting better and the kids are feeling more comfortable around most of the people. (I love Bryce in this picture)

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