Sunday, January 19, 2014


So last Saturday we planned a little outing with our friends the Davey's. The plan was to roller blade/ bike ride to a park outside of town. Landon and Tanner were going to drive and meet us over there so they could play some ball. Then we would have some picnic snacks and come home. Well it started out good the weather was nice the kids were all excited on their bikes, blades, and in the jogging stroller. As we headed out my friend was pushing the stroller-note I have really only rollerbladed very much while pushing it. It kind of helps to balance me also I haven't really gone down any sort of incline pretty much just on flatter surfaces. Well first mistake I was talking to my sister on the cellphone and fell down-ouch that hurt a little but I was able to hop right back up after that fall and shake it off. Then we go a couple more feet and meet an slight incline I had just put my phone away but I think I was still a little off balance plus not prepared for the incline and then suddenly OUCH. I am on my backside again trying hard not to pass out from the extreme pain. Well we all eventually made it to the park, but by the time we got there, there was no way I would be able to make it home. Good thing Landon and Tanner were there and I was able to ride back with them. I came home took some pain killers and didn't get off the couch the rest of the day. Monday I went into the doctor and they did some x-rays doesn't look like anything is broke but just badly bruised. A tailbone bruising though can take up to a month to heal. I am feeling a little better, but still hurt pretty badly when I bend over, lift something, or sit down. I hope it heals quickly-not fun at all!!!

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