Saturday, April 13, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

For the past three years I have been in charge of teacher appreciation week at my kids school. This year was my fourth year doing it. It is a pretty big ordeal and takes lots and lots of hours to prepare. I have to make sure all the doors in the school get decorated and the halls are hung with signs expressing appreciation, make and deliver little notes to the teachers/staff each day, bring in snacks and goodies for them to eat throughout the week, do prize drawings, and put on a lunch for about 80 staff members. In the past I have even done an assembly and video. I definitely could not pull it off without lots of good help thank goodness for good friends and willing volunteers.  It makes it worth it because the teachers/staff are always so appreciative of what we do. Landon usually ends up getting roped into doing at least a few of the doors for me. Here is the one he made for the janitor. 
There is no "puzzle" about why we love our janitors!
 Here's the one he did for Chloe's teacher. She helped him and loved every minute of it. 
"Here's the scoop-we love Mrs. Erickson"!
I wish I would have taken pictures of all of the doors, because some of them were truly sights to behold. I think the people that decorated them seriously must have spent like 20 hours on them.
We served Chinese food at the lunch for the teachers/staff. The theme was - We are very "fortunate" to have you working here. I wish I would have gotten more pictures of all the decor, but it was cute and fun. One of the janitors at the school makes cakes on the side and he made this awesome Strawberry Short Snake or Dragon to go along with the theme. 

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